Traffic and Parking Regulations


How to get a parking permit?

Any employee at the University of Arkansas at Monticello who operates a vehicle on the bc365游戏 Campus must register that vehicle with the University Police Department. An auto registration fee for the school year must be paid at the bc365游戏 Cashier's Office. Receipt of payment and proof of state vehicle registration must be provided to the University Police Department. Board Policy 240.1

In accordance with Arkansas Code of 1987, Volume 25, Chapter 17, Sub-chapter 3, Section 25-17-307 Arkansas General Assembly, the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas es-tablishes the following rules and regulations for the registration, operation, and parking of motor vehicles on the Monticello campus of the University of Arkansas which are binding on all faculty, staff, student body, and others utilizing the lands owned or controlled by the University of Arkansas.

     (Vehicle defined: Any self-propelled motorized vehicle having two or more wheels.)
  1.  All students, faculty, and staff members who park a vehicle on the campus are required to register the vehicle and display a registration permit as instructed.
  2.  Students and employees must register their vehicle(s) on or before September 1 or on the first day of their employment on campus. Register at the University Police Department by presenting proof of current state vehicle registration and driver’s license.
  3.  Parking Permits shall be affixed to the vehicle in the manner prescribed at the time of issuance and shall constitute the final phase of registration. The permit must be hung from the rearview mirror. It must be clearly visible from a standing position in front of the automobile.
  4.  Fees for vehicle registration are as follows:
    Student (School Year).........................................$30.00
    Student (Semester)............................................$30.00
    Student (Summer)............................................. $20.00
    Replacement Permit.......................................... $30.00
    (If you have a valid bc365游戏 license plate, the parking fee is waived.)
  5. Vehicles parked in areas designated for disabled parking must have an approved disabled permit affixed to the vehicle. Disabled students should provide a copy of their class schedule to UPD office at time of vehicle registration to help ensure availability of parking for the student.
  6.  All permits expire on August 31 or upon date of termination of faculty/staff members or withdrawal from school by students.

  1.  Vehicles with a faculty/staff permit shall park where the curb is painted red. Vehicles with commuter permit shall park where the curb is painted white. Vehicles with a resident permit shall park where the curb is painted green. Yellow curbs denote no parking or loading zones.
  2. Commuter lots are restricted to vehicles displaying Commuter student permits from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday.
  3. The University reserves the right to remove by impoundment any vehicle that is parked in such a way as to constitute a serious hazard. The owner of any vehicle that is parked in a designated “Tow Away Zone” or that impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic movement; the operation of emergency equipment; or the making of essential repairs or services will be required to pay all costs for the removing, impounding and storing of such vehicles. An authorized commercial garage will carry out any towing action. The resulting charges will be paid directly to the towing company by the owner of such vehicles including removal, impounding and storage.
  4.  Visitors or persons with unregistered vehicles who park in violation, such as on yellow curb or lines, in the roadway, on the grass, on crosswalks, etc., may be issued a Uniform Traffic Parking Ticket which is payable at the Monticello District Court. Other violations, such as parking in a restricted parking lot, will be cited on a University Traffic Citation.
  5.  Open parking is declared in lots from 5:00 p.m to 7:30 a.m. daily and from 5:00 p.m. Friday through 7:30 a.m. Monday. Most University holidays are considered as open parking days.
  6.  No parking is allowed on lawns, sidewalks, crosswalks, athletic areas or in areas designated as “Loading Zones” and “Service Entrance”.
  7.  University Apartments A-B parking lots are restricted to residents only 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

  1. The responsibility for payment of Administrative charges incurred shall rest with the registrant, and in the event registration has not been completed, it lies with the owner and/or operator of the vehicle. Persons violating these rules and regulations while using a motor vehicle on campus may be charged under the University’s system of administrative charges listed below and if appealed within five school days (appeals made after five school days will not be considered) have the opportunity to appear before the University Police Department. In lieu of a University citation, the violator may be issued a Uniform Traffic Ticket which will be adjudicated in Monticello District Court. Notice placed on the vehicle shall be sufficient as a summons for the purpose of these rules and regulations.
  2. Eligibility to park in a particular parking lot (i.e. faculty/staff, commuter, etc.) does not confer authorization to park there until proper registration is completed. Administrative charges shall be assessed according to the notification list printed below:
    Each D.W.I. violation, or other District Ticket, will be adjudicated in the Monticello District Court. University tickets carry the following charges and must be paid at the Cashier’s Window.
    (a) Unauthorized parking in space reserved for disabled -$100.00
    (b) Reckless Driving - $100.00
    (c) Moving violations - $50.00
    (d) Failure to Display Current Parking Permit and/or permit not
            properly displayed - $30.00
    (e) Parking on grass - $30.00
    (f) Parking in unauthorized lot - $30.00
    (g) Parking on or along yellow painted curb - $30.00
    (h) Parking over curb, on sidewalk and/or blocking a driveway
             or other vital exit - $30.00
    (i) Parking where prohibited by sign - $30.00
    (j) Parking in crosswalk - $30.00
    (k) Double parked or parked disregarding the painted lines - $30.00
    (l) Parking within 15 ft. Of fire hydrant - $30.00
    (m) Parking more than one foot from curb - $30.00
    (n) Parked facing the wrong direction (backed in) - $30.00
    (o) Overtime parking, timed parking area - $30.00
    (p) Disregard of barricades - $30.00
    (q) Failure to use due care and caution - $30.00
    (r) Failure to stop at a Stop Sign - $30.00
  3. If a registrant wishes to appeal the Violation Notification, he/she must do so by filing an application for appeal using a “Citation Appeal Form” on the University Police Webpage under Forms, within five (5) days of the violation (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excepted). After this time, the University will consider that the violator accepts the violation as valid. 
  4. All outstanding campus traffic penalties must be settled. Failure to do so may result in one or all of the following:
    (a) Loss of campus parking privileges.
    (b) Towing at owner’s expense or original citation may be referred to the Monticello District Court for adjudication.
    (c) For students, subsequent semesters course registration and release of transcript will be withheld at the end of each semester for unpaid penalties.
  5. Traffic and parking records are continuous during a student’s University enrollment. Outstanding penalties for faculty or staff will be referred to the appropriate administrative office and in
    accordance with the above, subsequent automobile registrationmay be denied.

Visitors are defined as those people not employed by or attending the University as a student, who wish to park their vehicle on campus property between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

  1. All visitors coming to the University of Arkansas at Monticello at the invitation of student, faculty or staff members must have parking arrangements made for them through the University Police Department prior to their arrival if they expect to park in a restricted parking area.
  2. When the arrival of a visitor is unexpected, the University Police Department should be notified immediately and appropriate arrangements made.
  3. Dated visitor’s permits may be obtained at no charge from the University Police Department to accommodate visitor parking between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through

  1. Vehicles are considered parked when stopped and left in place for a period of time.
  2. The responsibility for finding a legal parking space rests with the vehicle operator.
  3. Lack of space is not a valid excuse for a parking violation.
  4. Motorbikes, motor scooter, and motorcycles must be operated only on streets designated for normal automobile use.
  5.  Standard traffic regulations and definitions, as enacted into the motor vehicle laws of the State of Arkansas, will be rigidly enforced on University land at all times, including between semesters and legal holidays when classes are not in session.
  6. The University of Arkansas at Monticello assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any vehicle or its contents at any time while it is operated or parked on the campus. For your protection, lock your vehicle when it is left unattended.
  7. Pedestrians shall have the right of way at all times. Vehicles must stop for pedestrians in crosswalks.
  8. Only registered motor vehicles shall be parked on bc365游戏 campus parking spaces unless prior notice is given to the University Police Department.
  9. Vehicles are assumed abandoned if left parked and stationary for a period of two weeks. Such vehicles can be towed away at the owner’s expense.
  10. Students, faculty and staff members are expected to be familiar with and abide by these regulations at all time.
    The responsibility for obtaining knowledge of all laws and regulations in force rests with the motor vehicle operator.
  11. It shall be the responsibility of any driver of a disabled car, i.e., dead battery, out of gas, keys locked in car, etc., to immediately notify the University Police Department of the problem and the location of a disabled car. Failure to comply may result in either ticket or tow.
  12. In the event of a discrepancy between these regulations and map, the official sign designation at the parking lot is declared in effect.
  13. Illegally or improperly parked vehicles are subject to one ticket per day per location.
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